No time limit extensions possible for revocation applications – Zheng v AFP Christian Juebner April 28, 2020
AD v Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police – Drop Dead Date for Automatic Forfeiture Christian Juebner May 6, 2018
Bow Ye Investments Pty Ltd (in liq) v DPP (No 2): costs orders under the Confiscation Act 1997 Christian Juebner December 7, 2009
McMunn v DPP (No 2): costs orders in exclusion applications under the Confiscation Act 1997 (15 September 2009) Christian Juebner September 15, 2009
Morizio v DPP & Ferraro: extending time to make application for exclusion when delay not due to neglect of applicant (13 August 2009) Christian Juebner August 13, 2009
Finn v DPP: extension of time to seek exclusion application (22 June 2011) Christian Juebner June 22, 2007
DPP v Phan Thi Le: costs under the Confiscation Act 1997 (5 April 2007) Christian Juebner April 5, 2007